Wills + Estate Planning

As well as being a mortgage and protection broker, our director is also a will writer. We work closely with experienced will writers, estate planners and solicitors. The services that they offer are thorough and comprehensive.

When should you make a will?

Now. If you do not have a will in place and you were to die, the state will divide your estate in lines with the Laws of Intestacy. To die intestate is to die without your words and wishes enshrined. It is a dangerous misconception that wills and estate planning only become more important in later life. Here are some factors which may influence your decision to put a will in place immediately:

Divorce + Marriage

Getting remarried revokes any previous wills put in place. Getting divorced does not revoke any wills made during marriage. Need I say more? If you have recently got married, review your will. If you have gotten divorced, review your will. After the separation, your wishes may have changed.

Separated Parents with Children

If you were to die without a will and your children are under the age of 18, the Laws of Intestacy (as mentioned above) would again apply. This would mean that your former partner would become the trustee of your estate for the benefit of your children. This means that your former partner would be responsible for administering your estate. The thought of this, for many people, is troublesome. Being in a situation where you are separated with children is definitely a time you should look at a will.

Unmarried Couple Residing Together

Irrespective of how long you’ve been together as unmarried partners, you do not gain the same rights as a married couple automatically. To assure peace of mind regarding the division of assets and fulfilment of your wishes when you are gone, a will is imperative. Through a will, you could leave your partner with access to money in an account, make clear their right to reside in your property, or even leave them a benefit in your property. 

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If there is anything you’d like to talk about that you can’t find the answer to, we’d be happy to get in touch and see how we can help. Just complete the short form with your name and number and we’ll be sure to get back to you.